Which Website to Choose: Business Card Site, Landing Page, Online Store, or Multi-Page Site?

Which Website to Choose

Choosing the type of website is one of the key decisions when creating an online presence for your business. Different types of websites are suitable for various purposes, and the right choice depends on your business's specifics, goals, and target audience. In this article, we will discuss when and which type of website is best to choose: a business card site, a landing page, an online store, or a multi-page site.

Business Card Site: A Brief Introduction to the Company

What is it? A business card site is a small, compact website, usually consisting of one or a few pages. It is designed to represent a company, product, or service on the internet. A business card site contains basic information about the business, such as contact details, a description of services, photos, and sometimes a small gallery of work.

Who is it for?

  • Small businesses and freelancers: If you are just starting your business or working independently, a business card site is an excellent choice. It will help you establish an online presence and provide customers with all the necessary information.
  • Local companies: A business card site is suitable for local companies that need to be represented online but do not require complex website functionality.


Landing Page: Focus on One Goal

What is it? A landing page is a one-page website designed to convert visitors into customers. A landing page focuses on promoting a single product or service and is often used for advertising campaigns or launching a new product.

Who is it for?

  • Businesses with a specific offer or promotion: If you have a specific offer, promotion, or product you want to promote, a landing page is an excellent tool for converting traffic.
  • Launching new products or services: A landing page is ideal for presenting and promoting a new product on the market.


  • High conversion rate: With focused content and calls to action, landing pages can achieve a high conversion rate.
  • Quick creation: Creating a landing page takes less time than developing a multi-page site.

Online Store: A Full-Fledged Trading Platform

What is it? An online store is a website designed for selling goods or services online. It includes a product catalog, a shopping cart, integration with payment systems, and other tools for order management and customer interaction.

Who is it for?

  • Retail and e-commerce: If your business involves selling goods or services online, an online store is an essential tool.
  • Manufacturers and distributors: Companies looking to enter the online sales market or expand their audience can use an online store to achieve these goals.


  • Full control over sales: An online store allows you to manage all aspects of sales, from product display to payment processing.
  • Expanding the customer base: The ability to sell goods and services worldwide.

Multi-Page Site: Comprehensive Representation of the Business

What is it? A multi-page site is a complex website that includes multiple sections and pages. It may contain information about the company, products, services, news, a blog, and more. A multi-page site is suitable for companies that want to present their services and products more thoroughly and comprehensively.

Who is it for?

  • Medium and large businesses: Companies offering a wide range of services or products need a multi-page site for a more complete presentation of their activities.
  • Brands and corporations: A multi-page site helps create a strong online presence and present the brand in the best light.


  • Extensive opportunities for presenting information: A multi-page site allows for a detailed description of the company, products, and services.
  • Flexibility and scalability: The site can be expanded, and new pages and features can be added as the business grows.

Corporate Portal: Managing Internal Processes

What is it? A corporate portal is an internal company website designed to manage internal processes, exchange information among employees, and automate various business processes.

Who is it for?

  • Large companies and corporations: Corporate portals are suitable for companies that need efficient management and communication tools within the organization.


  • Improved internal communication: A corporate portal allows employees to easily share information and work on common projects.
  • Process automation: Helps optimize and automate the company's internal processes.


The choice of website type depends on your business goals and audience needs. A business card site is suitable for small businesses and freelancers, a landing page for promoting specific offers, an online store for selling goods and services, a multi-page site for comprehensive business representation, and a corporate portal for managing internal processes.

No matter which type of website you choose, it is important to consider your audience's needs and your business's specific goals. If you need help choosing and developing a website, contact professionals who can help you create a site that perfectly meets your requirements.

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