E-Music Website





Website Development



E-Music Website Development

Product Niche

Musical performance booking

Goals of the product

  • Create a multilingual website
  • Enable venues to book artists, singers, and musical groups for performances at special locations
  • Implement a system for organizers to propose fixed-price performances and customize event posters with performance details
  • Provide robust promotional features for organizers to attract audiences with detailed event information


2 months



Simplified the registration process for users to join as artists, groups, agents, or venues

Enhanced profile creation, allowing users to manage multiple profiles tailored to their roles

Enabled users to create personalizeevent posters for effective promotion

Introduced a calendar-based booking system for artists to manage availability and accept fixed-price bookings

Simplified the process for artists to handle and track performance agreements through a calendar interface

Implemented city-based event browsing with filters for specialization and genres

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    Web designing in a powerful way of just not an only professions, however, in a passion for our company
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    12203, Berlin, Neuchateller Str. 6